This is Nigeria and there is no Santa claus. Even if you watch cartoons like tomorrow would never come, a tooth fairy would not replace your lost tooth with money. You had better get ready to pick seven stones and if you are unlucky, seven seeds of goat pooh to throw away with the tooth.
Now, that would be scary to the kids of this present day generation. Fear not, the parents you probably have are ‘tush’ people and would not make you go through that. But that does not mean parents are saints. There are some lies they tell children and if I am right, you must have heard them before.
Nevertheless, our parents love us just the same way and they go on to defend themselves by saying they told those lies to protect us. How convenient!
Find below, some of the lies parents tell their wards in Nigeria:
1. If you take first position I will buy it for you
Many of us grew up not getting most of the things our parents promised us. When your parents tell you this just know deep down that you may never get it. Being first position in class is a serious job and it could be really painful when you do not get a prize. Not to worry, it is important for you to pass in school.
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2. Bring the money let me keep it for you
Trust me, that money is gone. I can bet the money got spent even before you got home that day. Parents often collect money from their wards by saying they would keep it for them. Even when the children ask, they tell them it is still in the bank or even come up with another excuse.
3. Let’s go home, we will come back tomorrow
For your mind
Sometimes, children may not want to leave a place of fun and parents try different means of persuading them to leave. Many parents promise they would be back the following day. Trust me, it would not happen. If your parents told you this at an event, you are on a very long thing.
4. It will size you soon
Parents, while trying to economize things, often go for clothes that are not the perfect fit. They do this so they would be able to plan their budget. They end up buying you over-sized clothes and shoes and tell you it would soon be your size. You may wear that shoe with cloth snuffed in it for as long as possible.
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5. Go and bring your shoes
Many of us fell for this trick while growing up. The best way parents leave us behind is by asking us to go get our shoes while they wait. Before you step out, they would have gone. Parents still do this and it is funny now seeing children sit or roll on the floor when their parents do this to them.
6. Your father was the first man
Every girl’s father is always the first man. Parents would never stop telling this lie to their growing up daughters. We understand that you are trying to set them on the right path but then, there are still bad boys in town just like in your time.
7. I was never promiscuous before getting married
Many parents tell their children they were virgins before marriage. Things must have been a lot easier in their time because they were able to deliver four or five months after they got married. The technology must have really extended the pregnancy duration now.
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7 common lies Nigerian parents tell their children