Monday, April 20, 2020

Health What Dr. Phil Said About COVID-19 Coronavirus, Here Is How Twitter Reacted - Forbes


Health Dr. Phil McGraw COVID-19 coronavirus

Dr. Phil McGraw recently said some things about the COVID-19 coronavirus and social distancing. … [+] (Photo by Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images)

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Looks like the Twittersphere got their Dr. Phil of Dr. Phil’s appearance on a Thursday night episode of the television show The Ingraham Angle. On the show, Phil
McGraw, PhD (no, his first name is not Dr. and his last name is not Phil) made some comments to host Laura Ingraham about the COVID-19 coronavirus that seemed to rub science and many on Twitter the wrong way.

Here is the segment on Fox News:

On the The Ingraham Angle segment,McGraw, who has long hosted a show called The Dr. Phil Show, claimed that “We probably shouldn’t have ever started this” with “this” presumably meaning social distancing measures like closing workplaces, schools, and encouraging people to stay at home for the coronavirus quarantine. However, he didn’t offer an alternative to “this.” With a new virus, SARS-CoV2, that has proven that it can kill at rates significantly higher than the flu, he did not specify what exactly should have been done instead of social distancing to prevent the virus from spreading and killing more people. There’s currently no vaccine or any science-backed specific treatment for the COVID-19 coronavirus available. And talking through the viruses’ feelings won’t work.

Instead of offering alternative solutions, he said “The fact of the matter is we have people dying, 45,000 people a year die from automobile accidents, 480,000 from cigarettes, 360,000 a year from swimming pools, but we don’t shut the country down for that, but yet we’re doing it for this? And the fallout is going to last for years because people’s lives are being destroyed.” Preet Bhara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 2009 to 2017 included a clip of this statement in the following tweet, along with some commentary:

So, is that a “just let people die from the COVID-19 coronavirus” argument that McGraw presented on The Ingraham Angle? Is that angle a bit obtuse? Help everyone understand this better, please. After all, the whole death and suffering thing would be a bit of issue, especially for those who have to go through it.

Then there’s the whole comparing COVID-19 coronavirus with automobiles, cigarettes, and swimming pools issue. Here’s the thing. There is a reason why COVID-19 is called an infectious disease. It’s infectious. It’s contagious as this tweet emphasizes:

Yes, a swimming pool accident is typically not a contagious disease, unless you have COVID-19 and decide to go swimming, which you absolutely should not do. Oh, and just in case you didn’t know, car accidents are not contagious:

If they were, you would see people running from car accidents like they were the plague. There would be huge empty spots next to the 405 in Los Angeles. However, you don’t tend to get into a car accident because someone transmitted the “car accident virus” to you. It’s not as if scientists have been suggesting social distancing as way to prevent car accidents, smoking, and swimming pool drownings.

That’s because lots of better alternative solutions exist for these issues. For example, to reduce the risk of car accidents, you could encourage more public transportation, keep people from driving while they are drunk, put more safety features in cars, get more people to wear seat belts, establish more stringent traffic laws, change the configuration of streets and highways, and tell people to stop texting while driving.

By contrast, such approaches will not stop the new coronavirus. The only way that seat belts could possibly stop a virus is if you made really, really tiny seat belts, somehow convinced the viruses to wear them, and prevented them from unbuckling the belts. This would then require building really tiny car seats for the viruses, which would be complicated because the viruses don’t have arms and legs or a head. You also can’t really talk to viruses because they are after all viruses. The whole thing would just not be very feasible.

McGraw was also off when he suggested that 360,000 people die a year from swimming pool accidents. In this case, off means about 100 times off from the actual number of drownings per year as this tweet said:

Yeah, a hundred times off is a bit off the mark. Can you imagine if you told your significant other that when you said that you’ve had 200 sexual partners in the past, you really meant two? Or vice-versa? That would kind of leave a different mark, so to speak.

Even 3,600 may be a bit high an estimate. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “from 2005-2014, there were an average of 3,536 fatal unintentional drownings (non-boating related) annually in the United States — about ten deaths per day. An additional 332 people died each year from drowning in boating-related incidents.” That’s all drownings, including other bodies of water besides swimming pools.

Speaking of swimming pools, all of this prompted some on Twitter to dive into his background and credentials. For example:

This Twitter thread went even deeper into this:

So, Twitter is Twitter, so you’ll have to verify everything’s that’s being said about McGraw’s background. Moreover, MD ‘s aren’t the only ones with knowledge to comment on the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus and not all MD’s have the knowledge. There are PhD’s in epidemiology, industrial engineering, and mathematics, for example, that may have insights, if they have the proper expertise and experience. A PhD in clinical psychology may not be the first degree that you would think of, but the more important thing is that McGraw does not seem to have any demonstrable experience in the area. He may have the background and experience to discuss the psychological impacts of social distancing and ways to deal with these. However, before he discusses other areas, it would be helpful to better understand his experience in them.

All of this led to “Mr. Phil” to start circulating on Twitter:

OK, that’s not completely fair because he does have a PhD.

McGraw did respond to some of the criticisms with the following video on YouTube:

McGraw did say, “Last night, I said that we as a society have chosen to live with certain controllable risks every day: smoking, auto crashes, swimming. Yes, I know those are not contagious, so probably bad examples. I referred to them as numbers of death we apparently find acceptable because we do little or nothing about them.”

Umm, that’s not completely fair, either. Numerous scientists and public health officials have been trying to cut down deaths from smoking, auto crashes, and swimming. They have run into obstacles and other agendas preventing them from doing more but these are complex issues that would require much more time to discuss.

If you are going to go on national TV and question why social distancing has been done, be prepared to provide an alternative solution, one that doesn’t involve just letting people die. It’s very easy to criticize anything that is not a Baby Panda but finding solutions is much, much harder. Sure, social distancing is not a perfect solution and brings many hardships. Nonetheless, the only real way to move past it is to implement another solution such as widespread testing along with a test-treat-isolate and active surveillance strategies. The problems with the healthcare system such as lack of capacity and personal protective equipment need to be fixed too. Our society can’t just stop social distancing without a way to contain the virus and be ready to take care of the patients that it infects. Any person who goes by a doctor title and gives advice on what to do needs to provide science-backed solutions. Otherwise, that person could just be Dr. full-of-it.

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Health What Dr. Phil Said About COVID-19 Coronavirus, Here Is How Twitter Reacted - Forbes

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