As the coronavirus pandemic develops, many cities and states have paused rental evictions and utility shutoffs. But with so much pandemic-related news everywhere you look, it can be hard to find this information without getting distracted.
Princeton University’s Eviction Lab has created a directory of municipal and state policy changes for evictions. The directory has several federal policy changes at the top, followed by an alphabetical list by state. The directory contains the type of action and the dates in effect, along with a link to more details.
The list is getting updated “continually” as more details become available.
Here’s just a slice of the directory to give you an idea of how accommodations can vary from place to place:
For example, some areas have listed specific dates for their eviction moratoriums, while others have paused evictions indefinitely. Some places have announced that water won’t be shut off, or electric; others have specified all utilities will remain turned on.
The site also offers links to federal policy changes, including agencies like the USDA’s food assistance program.
If you have information you’d like the Eviction Lab team to add to the list, you can send them a note.
Covid-19 Where to Find Coronavirus Eviction and Utility Shutoff Rules for Your State