Monday, May 20, 2019

Huawei Claims World"s First 5G VoNR Video Test Call - The Fast Mode

Huawei said it recently completed what it claims is the world’s first voice over NR (VoNR) call.

The voice and video call service was made using two Huawei Mate 20X 5G phones on a 5G standalone (SA) network. The test call was organized by the IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group and was part of its China 5G enhanced technology research and development tests. The success of the call lays a solid foundation for optimizing 5G commercial devices’ user experience, and marks the maturity of the 5G end-to-end ecosystem.

VoNR is a voice and video solution using in the 5G SA network architecture. One of the mobile phones was placed in a 5G test field at the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology while the other was placed in a 5G test field at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Both sites are in Beijing, but the distance between them is over 60 km, which better simulates commercial application scenarios. Multiple voice and video calls were made, and the call completion rate was 100%, claims Huawei. During the call, voice was clear and video was uninterrupted. 

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Huawei Claims World"s First 5G VoNR Video Test Call - The Fast Mode
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