Friday, May 31, 2019

Mike Ashley replaced or one of biggest stunts of all time? Third option is even worse... - The Mag

Hopefully we will soon have a new owner replacing Mike Ashley and with Rafa Benitez still in charge.

Alternatively, one of the biggest stunts of all time, will leave fans angry and frustrated.

The third option is even worse…the bid is genuine but Mike Ashley will find a way to wriggle out of it as he simply isn’t a willing seller. This last option may see him having to change his identity.

Failure to sell will be the last straw for many, if there ever is a one with Newcastle United fans.

If the sale goes through, Ashley’s silence and contempt for anxious fans will be seen as his last stand of defiance. If it’s the opposite for whatever reason, he will lose all credibility with the media, fans and players alike. Everyone will know what he is like and what he is up to. A bridge too far to use PR to get out of such a mess.

Perish the thought but if the worst happens and he is in charge for the new season, the crowd size at the first game should be nil out of self-respect, not necessarily protest.

People who have read my previous articles will know that I see us as the self-harm club out of Mike’s vindictiveness, narcissism and constructive dismantling of our great club.

Through that I have always called for fans wanting to attend matches to still go, it is their club not Ashley’s. The fanbase is our strong point. I believe that gate money is small scale compared to TV revenue which is what keeps him here.

With £250m or so already guaranteed makes me sceptical about a £350m deal, with a playing staff worth well over £100m, then the ground and his interest free loan.

All this has changed now though, he has reached the point of no return, truly his last stand.

Anyone with any pride at all should stop attending whilst Ashley is still here. Self-respect should stop anyone from being made a mug of.

This potential sale has become a crossroads and not the brick wall that I feared. If he’s still here, attendances should read a big fat zero. Ashley’s last stand one way or another.

For the record, I think the bid is genuine but Mike Ashley is not.

He may be regretting to agreeing to sell it so cheaply and is trying to wriggle out.

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Mike Ashley replaced or one of biggest stunts of all time? Third option is even worse... - The Mag

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