0:28 and the rest of the clips like it, really make me mad. That cat was NOT at fault for what happened. This was entirely the fault of the owner for placing the cat in a situation that left feeling cornered, fearful, and ultimately lashing out at the infant who doesn’t know any better. Bad pet ownership. Bad parenting. You teach your children how to handle cats or the cat will give them a lesson you probably won’t like. This ‘fail’ was definitely that and was not funny or cute. If your cat and your infant are in the same room then it is on you to make sure to properly monitor their interactions. If you can’t do that then you need to isolate them from one another. Babies and infants can be scary for cats who are unfamiliar with them. Infants touch EVERYTHING, its part of how they learn. But that touch can turn into a grab or a pull and it can HURT. I have two young boys who have grown up alongside 3 cats. One has been very tolerant, another somewhat tolerant, and the third tends to keep away or hide from them because their vast amounts of energy are frightening for her. For the third we make sure she has places she can go that the kids can’t access. The second was fairly aloof and tolerated minimal contact, which i watched until they were old enough to be trusted not to upset her. The first was completely fine with them as long as they weren’t causing significant hurt. You HAVE to think of these things if you are a pet owner and you are expecting to have or have small children in your home. Just because you love your little monster doesn’t mean your cat will. Cats often have trouble adapting to change and CHILDREN ARE A BIG CHANGE. Given a little time, learning, and proper caution they could end up being best buddies, or at the very least tolerable housemates.
1:17. Baby: we must escape the playroom my dude. Aghhh i cant reach the lever! Cat: stand back bruh i got this! Ill get us out.
At around 5:58, the dog jumped in between the baby and the cat outside. Could he have been protecting her? Also, for those who are concerned with cats hitting the babies and the parents not making a big deal about it; cats can “soft paw” when they don’t actually want to hurt someone. My cat is teaching my puppies manners by swatting their butt or just pushing them down when they go crazy on him. Even my other cat, who is a scaredy cat and is famous for never soft pawing, soft pawed one of the puppies. Unless you got a crazy cat, then be cautious.
Baby and Cat Fun and Fails - Funny Baby Video