Thursday, August 11, 2016

The diary of a Akintokun: The man who became diabetic-free within 30 days!

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I am Akintokun, a 48 years old man who grew up and married in Kwara State. It took me several years before I noticed I had diabetes. Unfortunately  for me , I was diagnosed  with type 2  Diabetes but did not disclose it to anyone, not even to my wife. As an affluent man I ate and did whatever comes my way  but was ignorant and not in control of my Blood Sugar Level.

I thought all was fine until when  my wife couldn’t bear me a child and we decided to go for a test which the doctor  diagnosed me of  Infertility as a result of Diabetes.  I finally disclose the news to her and sadness filled my home.


Seven years ago after a scare with Diplopia (double vision) in one eye I decided to ask for help from another doctor as the tablets my initial doctorgave mewere not getting my BSL down under 10  no matter how good a diet I was on.I was not aware of this increased risk until I was diagnosed with heart disease some months after. Living at the capital city at this time I tried to continue on with the life I wanted to live actively involved in sport.

At that time, I began to take five different oral medications.Back then, my hemoglobin A1C level was 12.7 (The A1C test is a 3-month average of blood sugar levels; the current A1C range for a non-diabetic is between 4 and 5.7.)To maintain  those levels within the target range waz difficult.

By November of 2012, my level had risen to 14.1, and that’s when my doctor prescribed insulin injections.As my A1C levels rose gradually over the years, I tried to improve my health by dieting, exercising more, and cutting carbs. Unfortunately, these strategies did not stop the progression of diabetes. I felt very frustrated and helpless. I remember asking my doctor if I could ever stop taking the insulin injections. His response was “No.” This really pissed me off.

Here is why =>

2014: The Turning Point

In April 2014, while surfing the internet, I stumbled upon a Facebook post about a Natural way to completely reverse diabetes. I must tell you, I was very skeptical about it. I didn’t even consider reading the full post. Two days later, as I sat alone in the sitting room feeling hopeless about my diabetes, I decided to go on Facebook and see if I can still access the post I saw two days earlier, thank God I was able to get it. I reluctantly gave the Natural product a try. It just made sense. On April 26 of 2014, I began the diabetes reversal program as seen on this website here

Off All Medications in Less Than Two Months
In less than two months, I was off of all my medications, and I have been medication-free ever since then. I am proud to say that I am no longer diabetic. I have learned that being diabetic is not the end of life and its not a death sentence. I feel strong, healthy and in charge of my life. In addition, now I can eat whatever I want unlike when I couldn’t eat some of my favourite food among which is pounded yam. Now, Today I am feeling fabulous. “I feel my whole way of life has improved – I’m back on track.. I am so thrilled with my experience that I inspire others to experience for themselves the profound transformation this Diabetes Natural Remover offers.

I strongly recommend you visit: in case you know someone or if you are diabetic, get help here =>

It has changed my life and now I’m Diabetic Free!

The diary of a Akintokun: The man who became diabetic-free within 30 days!

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