Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Lacasera Drink that we all know and love....

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From my Mum’s 60th birthday celebration to her 40th wedding anniversary to my dad, to my children’s birthdays and every other festivity – La Casera has been an integral part of my family since 2010. It’s almost like a ceremonial member of the family. The other day I was stuck in traffic and was thirsty and needed something to drink.

My kids too had started crying of thirst. Chisom, my 5 year Old & first child literally lives for moments like these when he instigates his younger sibling against me. I decided to get them each a bottle of La Casera and water for myself, so I called one of those “buy La Casera, buy Water” road side sellers when she told me that she’d sold out her La Casera but had other drinks; knowing my kids really well, they’d rather take water than anything other than La Casera.

So, I got them water and in the process engaged the hawker in a little conversation. She confessed La Casera “moves market” more than most carbonated soft drinks, a lot of them use it as their cache phrase to get people into buying other drinks even when they run out La Casera.

That experience taught me one important lesson – that La Casera isn’t just a part of my family but has gradually become an integral part of our national food culture, just like garri and pap.

The other day I was at a friend’s place when her 3 year old son was crying and she wanted him to keep quiet and so needed an inducement – she asked if he wanted ice cream – he said no; biscuits? He said no again and continued crying. Then getting irritated, she almost yelled “then what do you want, biko?” To my surprise, the little child shouted “la la seya”.

I wasn’t sure I heard him right so I asked her what he said and she said “My sister, La Casera oo” and then I smiled and further asked how he’d come to know the name so well, then she said “My dear, his older ones don’t drink anything besides it, and so he’s come to love it too, as you can see”.

And that I could see. A 3 year old child in love with a 15 year old brand just like my kids who have become the perfect La Casera poster kids. How charming! This is my La Casera story, what’s yours?

The Lacasera Drink that we all know and love....

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