Magic Slim Tea is a detoxifying tea blend of certified organic herbs and coffee which are formulated to enhance your weight management program and regaining the confidence of a different personality cum result of an authentic life as part of a healthy diet and exercise regimen. The Americans have, but up a slimming balance to help control their outburst of high chlorinated foods and beverages.
Chinese have however, developed different herbal teas to help fight against ailment that are terminal to human health and existence. These varieties of slim teas, treatments and coffee are to help build a healthier and slimmer fitted lifestyle with confidence and gorgeous outlook.
“my name is AmakaOnyeoziri, am from Anambra State but residing in Lagos. When I heard about Magic Slimtea, I gave it a conviction to use it and got a positive result. Within 3weeks, I lost 25kg using the Magic Slimtea and dieting without exercising”.
- Helps in regulating excess estrogenic which is the major cause of fibroids.
- Prevents the growth of tumours and helps to shrink fibroids making the size of your fibroid smaller and smaller until it’s eliminated.
- Balances your progesterone levels and helps control heavy bleeding and excessive period.
- Helps relax uterine cramping and regulates your menses.
- Helps alleviate uncomfortable symptoms associated with fibroids such as Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), abdominal bloating, swelling, headache and mood swings.
- Helps in the treatment and control of depression, anxiety, insomnia and hot flashes.
- Strengthens your body and increases your general resistance to daily stress.
- Supports women experiencing heavy period and decrease in number of red blood cells due to fibroids.
- Increases your energy level, boosts your immune system and helps build up your red blood cells.
- Prevents intestinal gas by prompting a release of hydrochloric acid, which aids in food digestion.
- Helps to purify your blood by eliminating dangerous toxins your body must have accumulated.
- Supports your immune system and fight against infections.
- Provides your body with a rainbow of nutrients to help support your overall health and well-being, as it contains photochemical, micronutrients, and protein as well as minerals, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron.
- Improves your blood sugar level and helps you maintain a healthy weight.
- Assists women of all ages to shrink fibroids without surgery.
Positive Feedbacks for Weight loss and getting your Fibroid exterminated within 3 weeks!