Coordinator of Foundation Cricket Club, Olayinka Fisher (4th left) unveiling the club’s Photo Book while other club members look on at the TBS Cricket Oval on Saturday
Foundation Cricket Club, Lagos marked its 30th anniversary at the weekend with the club’s executive and members rolling out drums to celebrate their achievements and contributions to the development of the game in Nigeria.
Since 1985, the FCC has championed cricket events and as added values to the game, which prior to the founding of the club, was virtually non-existence.
Coordinator of the club, Olayinka Fisher said FCC was formed by four gentlemen who included himself, Ako Amadi, Moye Adenuga and Kwesi Sagoe with the aim to, among other things, discountenance the dichotomy in Lagos cricket that arose from the tense rivalry between the then two top teams, Dyaks and LACC, encourage and popularise the playing of cricket in Nigeria, provide facilities in secondary schools and tertiary institutions in Nigeria and encouraged playing tours of the clubs within and outside the country.
“We can look back today and roll out drums to celebrate the contributions of the club to the development of the game in the country,” Fisher said.
“FCC midwifed the formation of Club Cricket Committee (CCC) in 1987 and since then the Committee has made considerable impacts in the game. Several of FCC members served in various capacity within the CCC since inception,” he pointed out.
He noted that: “Till recently, FCC has provided the bulk of players for both Nigerian national team and West African cricket team with over 20 members of the FCC members have represented Nigeria and WACC.
“I’m happy to say that FCC members have served or are currently still serving as chairmen of states crickets associations: George Wiltshire and Kofi Sagoe (Lagos), Ladipo Idowu (Ogun) and James Okwara (Kwara), while FCC has also provided vice chairmen in Lagos State where we have the likes of Kwesi Sagoe, Akin Denton and Barnaby Ephraim and others.
FCC added that two of its members; Yinka Fisher and Kwesi Sagoe had been chairmen and presidents of Nigeria Cricket Federation (NCF). “the pioneer NCF General Manager/COO, George Wiltshire is also a member of FCC”.
“At the continental level, Kwesi Sagoe is currently chairman of Africa Cricket Association (ACA). We have been spreading the game in line with our objectives with visits to the Universities of Lagos and Ibadan, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife, Crocodiles Club, Kaduna, Shell Club, Port Harcourt, and undertook playing visits to cricket clubs in Abuja, Abeokuta and Accra, Ghana.
“We can only achieve all these because we operate with honesty of purpose and integrity, play the game fairly and win while doing so, and more importantly we have strong structures that have been holding the club since we started and a guaranteed future that will survive most of the present members,” Fisher, the Coordinator of FCC said.
T20 matches between FCC and Greater Accra Club of Ghana were played at the Cricket Oval at the TBS, Lagos. FCC defeated the Greater Accra Team by 138 runs, amassed 204 runs in 20 0vers while Accra Team was restricted to 66 runs. The second match was declared a draw due to bad light.
Presentation of kitbag to the Atlantic Hall School, Epe, unveiling of FCC’s Photo Book and award ceremony to honour some distinguished Nigerians and Institutions and entertainment of guests climaxed the 30th anniversary celebration at the weekend.
At 30, FCC counts gains of club cricket in Nigeria