Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Shack Reels: The Division Opening Minutes and Character Customization

Tom Clancy’s The Division is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. If you have yet to pick up a copy of the game or you’re still on the fence about the title, we thought we’d put together a video of the first opening moments in the title.

We captured a little over 17 minutes of the opening moments in The Division. The video features its opening cinematic, which explains what exactly is going on in New York City, its character customization, our player’s abilities, talents, and perks, and a few of the first few missions.

If you’re already playing The Division along with us this week, and you’re in need of some assistance, be sure to check out our guide as we’re furiously updating it.

Shack Reels: The Division Opening Minutes and Character Customization

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