Fame& Luv is one of the most entertaining things on the internet! There have been so many press releases about the Photo-Novel series and its stars but today, you get to enjoy a snippet of series right here on LIB!
Read and enjoy a short snippet from Episode 12 of Season 3!
This Episode is titled ‘The Pursuit of Justice’.
Lumi was left in the interrogation room by Inspector Mikel, about an hour ago.
The feeling of being confined to this building is beginning to overthrow his mental balance.
Why can’t he just go home and sleep on his bed? How long are they planning to keep him in this hell?
Will they ever let him go free?
He says a silent prayer, asking God to please get him out of here.
Then, suddenly, the door flings open and the two other men who arrested him came in.
For some reason they have both taken off their office shirts and are wearing only their inner vests.
They look at him with a chilling hatred.
Lumi is in too much shock to speak or even ask questions. He just shivers.
They grab him roughly and drag him out of the room.
Lumi finally mumbles.
…Wher…where are we going, please?

You will soon find out.
You think you can waste our time, abi? Don’t worry, you’ll soon tell us what we want to know.
LUMI (to Man 2)
Please sir, I didn’t do it! I swear!
You are not the first to deny a crime and I am certain you won’t be first to not confess after we are finished.
I don’t understand, Sir. Please, what is happening?
Man 1 slaps Lumi on the back of the head, hard.
Lumi shuts up.
They get to the entrance of a spooky room.

Lumi can tell he is not going to like the events that are about to unfold.
He begins to struggle to escape.
They grip him tighter and force him into the room.
Please, please… I didn’t take the money!
They ignore him.
They pull him in and force him to sit on the only chair in the room.

Lumi tries to resist but the more he struggles, the more he finds his limbs being twisted.
He finally concedes and sits in the chair.
So you’re trying to make our life hard, abi? As if the current economic situation is not hard enough, you sef you want to join and make our life even harder, abi?
No, sir…
Ordinarily, to sit in a chair, you’re making me expend my energy?
No, sir… nooo…
Lumi’s eyes begin to well up in tears. He is scared beyond sanity.
You are a bloody criminal! You little thief!
It’s people like you that get into power and steal all nation’s the resources!
– and then you refuse to pay us salaries! You are the cause of the future problems, so we will ensure we eradicate you before you eventually destroy our nation!

Please, sir, I’m not a thief… I’m an honest citizen. I would never think of defrauding the government!
So you’re saying that you’re a saint? Are you better than the men that they are catching for defrauding the government? They all pretend to be saints.
I would never steal from my country, sir! I love Nigeria!
MAN 2 seems to have stopped engaging in the conversation. He simply walks over to the door and shuts it. He then locks it.
He walks back to them with a blood thirsty look in his eyes.
MAN 1 (to Lumi)
Oh yeah? So that means I should vote for you na! We need someone who won’t steal and will pay our salary – even if you don’t increase it, at least just pay us…
Lumi is unsure what to say in return.
MAN 2 gets back to them. He exchanges a look with MAN 1.
All of a sudden, MAN 1 swings a heavy punch at Lumi’s face.

Lumi is taken by surprise. His face jerks from the force of the hit.
The room spins before his eyes and he grabs his left cheek to console the pain, while shrilling in terror.
Where is the money you stole?!
No money, sir! I stole no money!
That is not what I want to hear. I want to hear how you defrauded the ministry of petroleum and where you have hidden the money!
Lumi begins to cry, still grabbing his cheek from the pain.
MAN 1 becomes infuriated. He throws another punch at Lumi’s face, and then another.
Man 2 stands by, looking on.

Inspector Mikel spoke to you rationally and you refused to talk? My partner and I are not here for rationality, we’re here for brutality… maybe now you’ll talk.
MAN 1 stands over Lumi, with his fist clenched.
Lumi’s cheek swells up and turns red.
Please! My friend is coming; she will tell you that I’m not a fraudster.
Who cares what your friend says? The money was directed to your own account, according to your own bank statement, so how is she going to convince us otherwise?
…Continue reading now at: www.fameandluv.com
Written and Directed by Olu Balogun.
Enjoy the Fame and Luv photo- Novel right here!