During the 88th Academy Awards, host Chris Rock said the Academy is taking steps towards fixing its serious diversity issue and introduced “the new director of our minority outreach program.”
And then something really awkward happened … out walked Stacey Dash.
Take a look, as shared by Matt Wilstein from the Daily Beast.
And the winner for least funny #Oscars bit goes to @FoxNews‘ @REALStaceyDash: https://t.co/p0FsTAtxPe pic.twitter.com/Qao1iRSKsv
— Matt Wilstein (@TheMattWilstein) February 29, 2016
Check out The Weeknd’s reaction.
The Weeknd reacting to Stacey Dash is hilarious pic.twitter.com/SgkG4Rq0xW
— CJ Fogler (@cjzero) February 29, 2016
And Chrissy Teigen’s.
Chrissy Teigen is the best at award shows. #Oscars @chrissyteigen pic.twitter.com/h6wYle8PL2
— Elizabeth C (@ecctv) February 29, 2016
She was cringing from the Stacy Dash moment, not sarah! https://t.co/tAsXY8qAjV
— John Legend (@johnlegend) February 29, 2016
Stacy Dash DOES realize she was just trolled suuuuuuper hard, on national tv, right? #Oscars
— Kyle Jennings (@kylepjennings) February 29, 2016
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This may be the most awkward moment of the Oscars