Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Jihadi Junior naturally my grandson but not what God gave me – Nigerian Grandma

Victoria Dare cannot deal with seeing her grandson in an ISIS video

Victoria Dare cannot deal with seeing her grandson in an ISIS video

The devastated grandmother of the British boy dubbed “Jihadi Junior” after he featured in a sickening ISIS video said she ‘can’t deal’ with what has happened to her grandson.

Victoria Dare revealed she hasn’t seen lsa for three years since she dropped him and her Muslim convert daughter Grace off at the airport three years ago, believing they were going for a short holiday in Egypt or Turkey.

But having seen the harrowing video in which Isa, now four, was paraded in military fatigues and an ISIS propaganda bandana, she said she believed it was him.

Victoria said: “It’s a long time, nearly three years, and he must have grown up. But the eye balls, the eye lashes, then the mouth, the lips… so it looks like Isa.”

But showing her conflicting emotions, she told the BBC: “I am not taking it as my grandson in that situation. I can’t deal with this situation, so I am not looking at this as if it is my grandson.”

She added: “Naturally it is my grandson [but] this is not what God gave me.”

Four-year old, Isa Dare Bakr, is vowing to kill non-believers

Four-year old, Isa Dare Bakr, is vowing to kill non-believers

Victoria, a devout Christian who moved to London from Nigeria 28 years ago, told of her despair about the behaviour of her daughter Grace, now 24, who changed her name to ‘Khadija’ after converting to Islam.

She told the BBC’s One Show: ‘She was born here and she grew up here until everything fell apart. Her name is Grace. I don’t know where they’ve got all these names.

“She changed her name to Khadija when she became Muslim. I still call her Grace,” she said.

Despite Victoria said she would still take back Grace, who is understood to have had another child since leaving Britain, and Isa, adding: ‘I feel very unhappy because I miss them a lot.

“That joy was taken away from me which is really devastating”.

Dare was married to a Swedish Islamic fighter called Abu Bakr, and was reported to be a convert who previously attended a mosque in South London. The couple are pictured with their child in a Channel 4 report in 2013

Dare was married to a Swedish Islamic fighter called Abu Bakr, and was reported to be a convert who previously attended a mosque in South London. The couple are pictured with their child in a Channel 4 report in 2013

Her confirmation of the boy’s identity came 24 hours after Isa’s grandfather said the toddler had recently begged him: “Please save me.”

Henry Dare, also 59, said Isa made the harrowing plea over the phone from Syria, where his mother has become one of the terror group’s most notorious jihadi brides.

In the ten-minute video released on Sunday, which shows the execution of five men accused of being spies for the UK, Isa says: “We will kill the kaffir (non-believers) over there.”

According to the BBC, Mrs Dare only realised her grandson was in the video yesterday as she does not follow the news closely.

Mr Dare also spoke of his horror at seeing Isa in the film.

The part-time law student, also known as Sunday, told The Sun: “That is my grandson – I would know him anywhere. I couldn’t believe it when I saw the pictures. I felt sick.

“They are pure evil for doing this to that little child – pure evil. I burst into tears when I saw it was him. He doesn’t like it over there.

“I spoke to him on the phone and he just said, “Granddad come and get me”. I am devastated they have used my grandson like that – they are using him as a pawn.

Henry Sunday Dare

Henry Sunday Dare

“Just imagine that little boy saying they are going to kill all the non-believers. He can’t know what he is saying – they have brainwashed him.”

Mr Dare appealed to his daughter to come home from Syria and ‘face the music’. He said: “She must have been forced to make her son do that.”

His daughter was christened Grace at a church in Lewisham, but converted to Islam in 2010 and changed dramatically, according to her father.

Isa was born in South London in 2011, and enjoyed a normal Western upbringing for the first few months of his life.

In 2012, his mother told her family, who are of Nigerian descent, that she was going to Egypt to study. But she secretly fled with her young son to Syria and married a Swedish terrorist.

It is believed she quickly got pregnant by him and had another son. Mr Dare said: ‘Isa is my grandson. I can’t disown them. He was a lovely playful child when he was in Britain. I just want them back here. She needs to come home and face the music. I don’t know what they have done to her out there. She changed when she became a Muslim.

Grace Khadijah Dare is Isa

Grace Khadijah Dare is Isa’s mum and a Nigerian

“A couple of weeks ago she phoned me. It’s always from a withheld number. She told me she didn’t like it.

“I think all of the leaders are there by her when she calls because sometimes she doesn’t answer a question I put to her.

“I always tell her to come back to London but she says she is afraid of prison food.”

Hours after the beheading of American journalist James Foley at the hands of a British jihadist, she gloated on social media at his execution and vowed that she would be the first British woman to kill a US soldier.

Jihadi Junior naturally my grandson but not what God gave me – Nigerian Grandma

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