January 15, 2016
Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.
(John 5:8)
Before this woman got the revelation of First Peter 2:24, and received healing, I said to her, “I’ll just get the Bible and prove to you that you’re healed.” I opened it to First Peter 2:24, laid it on her lap as she sat in that wheelchair, and said, “Read First Peter 2:24 aloud for me.” And she did.
Then I said, “Notice the last clause of that verse. What does it say?”
She said, “By whose stripes, ye were healed.” I said, “Now is ‘were’ past tense, future tense, or present tense?” She looked at me, startled, and said, “Why, it’s past tense. If we were healed, then I was.”
I said, “That’s it exactly! Just lift up both of your hands and begin to praise God because according to First Peter 2:24, you are healed. You’re not going to be; by whose stripes, you were healed. In the mind of God, you were healed when the stripes were laid on Jesus. You’re already healed.”
She lifted up her hands and began to praise God. She said, “Lord, I’m so glad that I’m healed. You know how tired I got sitting around all of those four years. I’m so glad I’m not helpless anymore. I’m so glad that my knees and legs are healed.”
Then I turned to her and said, “Rise and walk in the Name of Jesus.” She instantly leaped to her feet!
I am healed. I am well. I can do the things that I couldn’t do before. I’m so glad I’m healed!
Source: Health Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin.
Health Food Devotional - You Were Healed