Tuesday, November 17, 2015

EXCLUSIVE: Francis Odega Reveals Secret Behind His Recent Success

Man of the moment, comedian and actor Francis Odega, star of the popular meme “Do me a favour, gerrarhere”, spoke to Naij.com about finally making big after twenty years in the entertainment industry.

After becoming the subject of the meme,  Francis who was once a radio host with fellow comedian Okey Bakassi on a show that didn’t gain traction, became an Etisalat ambassador and featured in rapper M.I’s video for the song Bullion Van. He is married to Chibuzor Odega whom he met at a show where he was a compere.

Francis Odega in MI Abaga

Francis Odega in MI Abaga’s video for the song Bullion Van.

How did you come about the phrase ‘gerrarahere’? Did you envisage this amount of buzz from it?

Well, ‘gerrarahere’ is from a movie we did about three or four years ago. I saw the script, I liked it and got on the job. Surprisingly, the phrase that has everyone talking now wasn’t in the script. I created it. You see, the script is a guide I use. I read it, understood it and then did the job. Of course, I had to spice it up with ideas here and there. But honestly I didn’t know that it was going to go viral as it is doing right now. I believe it is God’s doing.

How has it been since you became an ambassador for Etisalat?

It’s been great. It’s been fine. I will say it has made me more famous, more popular. And we are pushing it. It will get better. Hopefully.

Given your current level of success, are you looking to branch out of movies and comedy anytime soon?

I do not plan to branch out. Movies are my life, comedy is my life. It’s a profession. I will do this till I retire. But it’s movies and entertainment stuff all the way.

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Looking at Baby Police, a movie you did over 10 years ago, and now what will you say has changed about you as an actor/entertainer?

It’s improved. We must grow. We can’t remain stagnant. There have been improvements both in money, age and size. We have definitely grown.



Are you looking to get into production, maybe owning your own entertainment outfit at some point?

Well, maybe. Maybe. Not too sure yet, but maybe.

What projects are you working on at present?

A whole lot, I am working on a lot as we speak.

Can you let us in on these?

No. These are things I can’t reveal at this point. Many of these projects are still in the pipeline. But I’m sure that Naij.com may be the first to know when I’m done working on any of these.

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What’s your daily routine these days given the fame and success?

I get up at 5 a.m., get involved in some house chores and all that. I help my wife a lot really. I cook, for those who don’t know. Actually, I wake up by five and then say my prayers after which I proceed to the task of the day. Then I return by 7 p.m. or 8 p.m. and try to get some rest.

How romantic a person are you?

What are you talking about? I’m ‘overromantic’ even. I cook food and support my wife in many ways. And I’m not talking about cooking rice or preparing eba. I cook soup, I cut vegetables and I do a lot more for my wife than I can begin to explain here. I am very understanding and I try my best to cater to her needs. I do all these for her because we are one. She is Mrs. ‘Gerrarahere’.


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EXCLUSIVE: Francis Odega Reveals Secret Behind His Recent Success

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