Thursday, October 22, 2015

The 31 best Vine remixes to Drake's new 'Hotling Bling' video

Drake Hotline Bling video

Drake’s “Hotline Bling” music video premiered Monday, and proceeded to permeate the depths of every social media platform known to man.

With simple but stunning lighting design, and borderline awkward dance moves, the video seemed crafted to be gif’d, Vined, and Tweeted. 

And Drake fans did just that.

Taking inspiration from another meme (#BeyonceAlwaysOnBeat), people began isolating clips of the video and overlaying different music.

When the beat lines up with Drake’s funky cha-cha, magic is made. Sites including Complex, HotNewHipHop, and Buzzfeed have created lists of the mashups filed under #DrakeAlwaysOnBeat. 

Scroll down to see our mega-list of the best Tweets, Vines, and Instagrams from the most clever Drake fans.

First, you should watch the original video in all its glory.

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Perhaps the most popular mash-up is “Suavamente” by Elvis Crespo.

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Music producer DJ Carnage made his own version using “Suavamente.”

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See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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The 31 best Vine remixes to Drake"s new "Hotling Bling" video

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