NEW YORK (AP) — An Oscar nominee at age 9, Quvenzhane Wallis (kwuh-VEN"-zhuh-nay WAH"-lis) is now getting an early start on a writing career.
The actress known for "Beasts of the Southern Wild" has a deal with Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers for a chapter book series and a picture book. The publisher said Wednesday the series will have three chapter books; the first is scheduled for January 2017. The work is currently untitled.
Both the series and the picture book should remind readers of the actress herself, now 12. The series features a "precocious and talented" third grader with star potential; the picture book will have a "spunky young heroine."
Wallis will be among the youngest authors in years. Last decade, pre-teen Mattie J.T. Stepanek wrote several best-selling poetry books.
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Quvenzhane? Wallis has deal to write children"s books