Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Mother-son bond over guns links Oregon, Connecticut slayings

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — The school shooting in Oregon last week has similarities to a Connecticut elementary school massacre three years ago.

Both killers had mental health issues, an interest in mass murders and were loners living with protective mothers in houses full of guns.

Former FBI profiler Mary Ellen O"Toole says Christopher Harper-Mercer fit the profile of many mass killers.

O"Toole says Harper-Mercer was a calm young man who lacked empathy as he slaughtered students at the rural Oregon community college.

Harper-Mercer was similar to Connecticut killer Adam Lanza because of their interest in guns.

Both of their moms reportedly took them to shooting ranges.

But there is no indication either expected their children to become violent.

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Source: businessinsider.com

Mother-son bond over guns links Oregon, Connecticut slayings

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