Is it ok or acceptable for a young lady to date an older man, senior citizen or someone old enough to be her father? This article highlights the reasons, characteristics , justifications some ladies have for dating older men. The cultural and societal views, why some ladies tagged as ” runs girls” or ” opportunist”. Is fair to tag them as these names or can their relationships be based on love?
(1) Maturity ( Chronological Age Vs Mental Age)
(2) Finances
(3)Pressure & competition amongst friends
(4) sex
(5) Sponsors
(6) Love
(7) Rough patch / economy
(8) Trend ( A trait that eventually develops into a behavioral pattern)
(1) Maturity ( Chronological Age Vs Mental Age) : Chronological Age is a measure of an individual’s age based on calendar days, months and years I.e an individual’s actual age, Mental age is the ability of an individual’s mental attainment I.e how smart or intellectual a person is without age being a factor . This being said, a lot of young ladies today attribute their dating older men to Maturity. They claim that they can’t date guys/men of their own age because they are immature, self centered and their priorities are misplaced eg all young guys are interested in are buying bottles, champagne in the club, going out every Friday night, sex everytime without intimate conversation. On the other hand older men are more understanding and they can relate very well with them. The mentality of an older seasoned man makes them be themselves and be free.
(2) Finances : One of the major reasons why people frown at young ladies dating older men is because of money. When we see a pretty young lady at the mall or a restaurant with an older man we automatically develop a bad perception about her saying she’s a “runs girl”, “SideChick” “slut” etc. Is every lady who dates an older man a runs girl? What if the man is single? or divorced?. Obviously there some ladies out there who throw morals aside and are motivated and fueled by money, cars , shoe, designer bags , foreign trips so they don’t mind dating someone who is 30 or 40 years older as long as they are living a luxury lifestyle and financial needs are met. I’ve heard of a story where in a Private University in Nigeria; a girl ( student) stole her friends dads number at night in the hostel to pursue her friends dad for financial needs or recruit him as a “sugar daddy”.
(3) Pressure & Competition amongst friends : Studies have shown that women hold their friendships very dearly and are more likely to succumb to pressure by their friends than men. In Nigeria today the competition amongst young ladies for who travels to Dubai, London the most in a year, who has the most Chanel bags, Brazilian hair, iPhone 6, red bottoms, new cars has led ladies to misplace priorities based on the mentality of ” if Tola has it I must have it to” . Some ladies get drawn into competitions that their family, parents, husband, bank account or assets can’t cope with. As a result of this , they find older men married or unmarried to provide them with these essentials or luxury
Source: Linda Ikeji
Flamboyant Psychologist - When you"re 25 & your Bae is 57