Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Cathriona White Death: Jim Carrey Questioned By Police as Bizarre Conspiracy Theory Emerges

Yesterday, we reported that Cathriona White committed suicide. The 30-year-old makeup artist, who appears to have overdosed on prescription pills was known to the public as the on-again, off-again girlfriend of actor Jim Carrey.

Though the couple reportedly broke up for a second time just days before White"s death Carrey issued a statement about Cathriona that makes it clear he had the utmost affection and respect for his ex:

Cathriona White Photo

"I am shocked and deeply saddened by the passing of my sweet Cathriona," Carrey said. "She was a truly kind and delicate Irish flower, too sensitive for this soil, to whom loving and being loved was all that sparkled."

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Though White quite evidently took her own life, her case is being investigated by police in, as is the customary in the case of unnatural deaths. Radar Online reports that Carrey was questioned by police this morning:

“He wanted to provide as much information about what he knew about Cathriona’s final days," says a source close to the investigation. "She had been battling with depression, which she had apparently had since she was a teenager.

“Obviously, Jim was extremely emotional during the meeting. They had recently broken up, again. They were just at different places in their lives, and there was a big age difference...There is absolutely no evidence of foul play, and this is a routine follow-up in cases of suicide."

Meanwhile, because we live in the Internet Age, a cloud of idiocy has formed over this tragedy, as members of the anti-vaccination movement have taken to social media to speculate that Cathriona was murdered by the government in order to silence Carrey.

You see, Carrey is an outspoken anti-vaxxer (nobody"s perfect), and the popular theory within the movement that anti-vaccine doctors have been murdered by government operatives has led many to the conclusion that White was killed by "big pharma" in order to "shut Carrey up."

Seriously. Comments like this can now be found on Facebook:

  • "Anybody find a bit odd that doctors are dying and then this happens?"

  • "It"s funny that it"s always celebrities that have something to say about the system publicly that this happens to like Britney Murphy and Paul Walker."

  • "Probably Big Pharma teaching Jim a lesson to stop talking about vaccine dangers."

  • "I guess we"ll know the truth if he starts retracting his vaccine stances...If that happens, the truth will be clear."

Yes, only celebrities with "something to say about the system" die, so you can be damn sure Yogi Berra was about to blow the lid off of 9/11.

A public plea to anti-vaxxers: The situation is sad enough, so can you please just shut up this one time? Also, can you shut up all other times while you"re at it? Thanks!


Cathriona White Death: Jim Carrey Questioned By Police as Bizarre Conspiracy Theory Emerges
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