Box & Cedar is an HR Consulting Firm. We believe in the power of people and exploiting it to the maximum because we know that people are the greatest assets of any organisation.
Job Title: Head Teacher
Admin, Secretariat, Teaching
Job Description
To provide inspiring and purposeful leadership for the School (staff and pupils); developing and implementing policies and Development Plan to secure continuous school improvement.
To work in partnership with the governing body, staff and parents generating the ethics and values which will underpin the school.
To monitor and evaluate the performance of the school and report to the governing body as required.
To ensure that management, finances, organisation and administration of the school supports its vision and aims.
Determine, organise and implement a policy for the personal, social and moral development of pupils.
Determine, organise, implement and monitor the curriculum and its assessment and ensure that statutory requirements are met.
Monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and learning and standards of achievement of all pupils in the school through appropriate methods
Continue to maintain an effective partnership with parents and the wider community to support and improve pupils’ achievement and personal development
Implement and sustain effective systems for the management of staff performance,incorporating performance management and target setting.
Promote and monitor the continuing professional development of staff, including the induction of newly qualified teachers.
Make arrangements for the security and effective supervision of the school buildings, their contents and the grounds
Set appropriate priorities for expenditure, allocation of funds and effective administration and control.
Provide information, objective advice and support to the Governing Body to enable it to meet its responsibilities for securing effective teaching and learning and improved standards of achievement, and for achieving efficiency and value for money.
Minimum Qualification
B.Sc in Education, School counselling
M.Sc in Educational Leadership, Educational Administration
MBA in Business Administration is an added
Knowledge & Skills
Analytical and Strategic planning skills
Presentation skills
Leadership and Communicating skills
Coordinating skills
Computer proficiency
Excellent Leadership skills
Supervisory and Delegating skills
Disciplining skills
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Box & Cedar Job (Head Teacher)